Tuesday, October 8, 2013

The Fatal Cat Fights

Well, I'll start this on a cautious note. I am a complete fan of these fights. They catch me hook, line and sinker. Lol...don't go on calling me a sadist for my strange penchant! I know all of you guys will never go and actually stop one. And how proud we males would be if we were the cause of contention of that fight ? The complicated group equations amongst can often create a devastatingly funny ambience . Not only are these clashes universal but they are unbelievably secular.. You can watch of all this entertainment right from the village mohallas to the posh theatres and often right in the middle of a crowded road irrespective of caste, creed or religion.

The ferocity with which our otherwise shy and coquettish females display to each other in these clashes will make you wonder why many of them don't get employed in the army and stand on the borders guarding the nation. Men fights are so boring . They will just end in a melee of broken heads, blood and often peace pact. No chance of that in a cat fight. They amazingly inventive use of invectives with the glares and if you are lucky , yeah, a physical mash makes up something that no true cinema has captured in its temerity and ferocity. IMO, we should have chosen female leads to provide us some great spice content.Why miss the fun :p

And amazingly these things do not wither out with age or having children. In a family function in my village, we employed certain ladies for cooking and cleaning. Now, what we were not aware was that we had deprived another group of ladies of their living. Unable to control their egos, the final show down occurred right in middle of the function between two ladies carrying children on their hips. The climax of which was a action packed slapping contest. I started noticing how happy the kids were when their moms were swinging their hands against each other and shed crocodile tears when they stopped for a pause. To my utter surprise, nobody stopped it. And me, I was all in the mood to take a video only to be cautioned by my wise mom.

And if its not a great show down, a cat fight can be a slow , torturous climb . On a comment "Keep the change !" by the leader of one such cat group to the other, the misery of common male friends is complete. Unable to open their mouths in support of any group, the barrage of negativity can just put you out of orbit. God save you if your GF and your best female friend/sister end up at opposite ends. Often soured relations will never heal. Best advice , stay away from the resolving job. Its not our cup of tea. What one female can be to other as an enemy is a creation of God. They might just put past his advice and carry it in their next janaams. I can see God raise his hands in exasperation as I put an end to my rumbles from within .

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