Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Tomato Mozzarella

This is a quick snack dish to feed you when you are really hungry. The choice of bread is yours. The only thing you require beforehand is the basil pesto

 Ingredients for Pesto* :  150 g fresh basil without stems (Kasturi Tulsi) if you are in Bangalore. You can pluck this if you grow a basil plant in your house
=> 4 cloves of peeled garlic
=> 50 g pine nuts roasted( you can choose walnuts as an option)
=> 50 ml extra virgin oil divided into 2 parts
=> 75 g Parmesan cheese finely grated
=> Salt and pepper to taste
[Recipe is from Ritu Dalmia's "Italian Khanna"]
Procedure : 1. Place the  basil leaves, garlic and nuts in a food processor with steel blade. Process until the basil and garlic is finely choppd
2. Add half of the olive oil . Its great if you can do this in a slow stream when the processor is on. Turn off the processor, and add the Parmesan. Process again till all the cheese  is absorbed
3. Stop and add the remaining olive oil. Keep the machine running until the pesto is creamy. Add salt and pepper as per taste
The pesto can be stored for a long period of time in a airtight container and used when required.

Ingredients for Tomato Mozzarella:
=> Ciabatta bread(You can choose one that suits you)
=> Mozarella Cheese two good chunks
=> 2 tomatoes cut vertically
=> Basil pesto

Procedure: Cut the bread into two halves. Further, slice each half down the center. Apply pesto generously to each of the quarters. Insert tomatoes between them. Put the cheese as well.
Warm the  halves in an oven/pan until the cheese melts. I haven't done this an oven so I can't tell you the time setting. But  you could experiment with a good 2 minutes.

In these trying times when onion prices are going up, tomato provides a much cheaper alternative.
Enjoy your breakfast :)

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