Thursday, September 12, 2013

The rise of the XXX industry

As we wait on one of the most crucial judgements for the Nirbhaya rape case, the past six months have thrown bare several crucial points to ponder. The Nirbhaya rape incident which occurred on 16 December 2012 mobilized the conscience of the whole nation. But, the fallout of the protests did little to stop the rise of the rape incidents in the country. Delhi remains the most notorious place for crime but then there is a good spread of these incidents occurring across all states. The amount of legislation and money put in the Nirbhaya fund was also not enough in my opinion to stop or curb any repeat of such incidents. If there is any thing, it seems to have grown unconcerned.
It occurred to me that punishment as a deterrent is not going to work. First, we need to understand the reasons as such to why objectification of women is leading to these heinous crimes. Let me get to the first part of hate against women. In a strong patriarchal society like India, men have always thought women as a part of their property. This also finds resonance in the Indian law system wherein a women is treated as a property of a father/husband/brother. With roles of women curtailed to kitchen and family, it was a man’s job to provide means of sustenance for the family. Several brilliant and talented women lost their careers as family took precedence over career. However, in the last two decades things have changed rapidly. With the growth of sectors like IT and retail, more and more women found employment. They started getting educated and trained. The economic freedom provided them an opportunity to pursue their careers. Naturally, they came in competition to men for roles of growth in organizations and families. This has largely been perceived as a threat by the males . In organization where behavior could be curtailed it was marked but the repercussions are seen in the family. Overall, the expression of hate has found its resonance due to inability of society to provide a level playing framework of competition for men and women. We were not prepared to handle independent and smart women and as such we are purely doing reactive measure.
Where did rape come into picture? I think this is due to the rise of the XXX or the blue industry. This industry is the only industry which has shown growth even during the economic meltdowns. I remember certain discussion in my teens wherein the female body and their orifices were visualized only for sensual pleasures . But, its my belief that the blue industry and its tentacles in young males is generating an arrogance which I do not want to put in words. As the stars of this industry put their vicious grip on the young, most grow fantasizing young women in this very way. Its a very animistic instinct and very difficult to control. Its difficult to quantify how far this rot in the male mind has gone. In my personal experience, a lot of men find acceptance in teaching an independent women a lesson through violence and the most agreed is often sexual in nature. Its not that rape as a measure to teach women(intelligent and independent) their place below men did not exist earlier. It was subdued perhaps because women did not directly compete with men at work. A negative comment by a women is often taken as an affront to males dominion status. A natural reaction by a lesser mind would be to hurt that women in some women. If that is not possible, the frustration is borne out by some other vulnerable women. With so many women out of their houses for work at odd hours, anybody could be a target of this built up frustration.
So what is the solution? At some point of time, we as a society need to come up with a framework to address the space for women. They have been wanting this space for so long.Our definition of women as somebody’ mother, sister or wife needs to be changed to her individuality. This should percolate from the top to the bottom. The family values for women should share their demand for freedom and space for creativity. Often, we choose the eldest male to be the heir for the family. The transformation would be to select the most talented for that job. But, also for women, they should understand that this is going to take time and will not be free of its hassles. Young lads should be taught to visualize the body in some form of art like painting, dancing etc. It will liberate their minds of voyeurism and objectification. If the space in the family and mind of men is made, I think that women will have a much safer world to live in. Lets hope we live to see such a world!

[This one is for Bincy. Thanks for reminding me to write about it]

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