Sunday, December 23, 2012

Of Thumb Rules, Assumptions and Superstition...

There is no end to these  topics…..However, let me get you started on the first one.During one of my stays in a men’s PG..i found a curious case when a group of my fellow PGites embarked in an almost daily routine. 2 fellow law students staying in adjacent rooms would never leave together though they belonged to the same class. On my inquistion, I found that as one of them pointed out that the other brought him bad luck because he was from a
particular caste. Hence, he carefully avoided meeting him in the morning and left only after the other fellow left. This bewildered me and asked him if there was any particular instance on which he retorted that his mother had told him so.This left me in the cold.I told him he was lucky to be in a PG and not in a hostel or he would have never known who he ended with.
My mom has been trying to get some sort of thread around me since eons. I asked her why and she said that its becoz we belong to certain caste we should be doing so and so..Now, this has never appealed to my scientific mind…without a reason or rhyme just put a thread for the whole of ur life. And again somehow, the females were not supposed to wear it. To sum it up..i always avoided wearing it and my mom finally gave up. But I had
to go through some pointed remarks on how non-compliant I was etc etc etc. Now, I have nothing against people having/making their own luck..I fully support it..but sometimes these superstition cause much chagrin and confusion. One of my friends used to “jhap” of Gayathri mantra for a fixed number of times to bring him luck…becoz he felt he had done something to anger the Gods. I told him that he was much better and the last thing
God would think is to hurt his own children.
Another impact has ben the growth of astrology and the so called “babas” or healers. I dont wan to pick up specific examples.. but for each genuine case we have a charlatan. And too much focus is given on view is that for relationships to make or break…is not dependent on a stars position but how really compatible we are. Incompatible people are going to end unhappy. Black cat crossing the road, black spot on the cheek, having
a maid from a particular community..this is an endless list…visiting a particular team to get a visa…etc etc
The second con is assumption. Let me clarify it with an example. I normally watch movies after seeing their ratings or taking a review from friends. However, I have found that there is no consistent agreement between these ratings. For some movies which recieved low ratings..I found them quite satisfactory and where high ratings were given they just disappointed. One another assumpiton is that the responsibliyt of family falls on the  eldest.
I never know why we follow this…it should be more of who ist the most talented should lead the family. And never assume anything in a relationship. Just because you are a part of the family/relation don’t expect that they will put throught with you even if you don’t put the effort.
The third point is thumb rules. One of the things which is rampant in the workplace is the act of classifying people based on a certain state/religion/hence, If you are from Maharashtra..u automatically turn into a supporterof Shiv Sena or MNS, all Tamil people will only like Tamil and so and so. Coming to work place..a lot of folks have thumb rules regarding a certain colleague or a technical work.  You are a Gujrati..then u are a miser..Puneites are lazy. Such stereotypical thumb rules sometimes becomes so rampant that we crucify people without even knowing them properly.
So why did I raise this point? I am finding increasing contexts that people operate with these topics exclusively in their life.And the people who are part of this are not illiterate However, nobody is ready to take a good look in the systematic details associated in selecting/rejecting a  person.Hence, we end up doing something which might be injurious to us later. Just take it to a point that u done your research before making a statement and
don’t fall into the trap of the Assumption and Superstition which will lead to ignorance and eventually our downfall as “knowledge” beings.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

The "Unrestrained" Ladies

Ok..this is a wake up call for all men. The following situations will not be far off in the near future if and only if we avoid this ordeal by controlling our lust:-

=> Women will be eventually learn/have already learnt that there is not control to the male libido...So y not just  attack the source of the whole problem. Now the word "attack" gives me nightmares. The last time anything that "attacked" me over there was a leather ball swinging in from a left hand pacer at a wizzing 100 km/hr. Now if you can imagine that pain..anything sharp doing anything over that wheareabouts should set
of all types of bells ringing for us. The day is not far off when a gang of women armed  with sharp knives, guns etc ask you the question in a dark alley.."ab ter kya hog a re kalmoohe?.." or imagine a horific scene that you are tied and some lady with a sharp knife yells " yeh  mardangi mujhe de de .."

=> I always liked Sunny Deol's dialogue in the movie "Damini" .."yeh dhai kilo ka hath jab kisi pe padta hain to aadmi ut tha nahi uth jaata hain".  .Imagine..if our women start beefing their body up,transforming themselves into "body building" machines. I don't have to tell u the consequences of such a 2 and half kg hand of the "built" lady hovering somewhere around your midriff and waist wrong hit and....u can surely kiss ur future  children goodbye ;) There will be no more "abla" naris and our  physical superiority over women will come to a null.

=> Whats stopping our women learning a few slams and submission moves from the ladies of the WWF. A short course and lo and behold ..our ladies would have transformed and distinguished themselves in the field of wrestling. And by chance you try to catch any of these trained ladies in a closed alley at night....i m sure that they will send you on a course on WWE without a ring and any rules associated with it ;)

=> Mary Kom trains all ladies in boxing. Now this really gets me worried..of all the things I think this is a close to an ideal situation....First Mary Kom is an Indian. She is short, dimunitive and looks barely a boxer. But u give her a pair of gloves and then she transforms herself into a beast in the ring...punching and pummeling her opponent to the ground. Try touch any of these ladies..and you r 2 end up with lot more
than sever concussion ...t which you'll never forget in your life

=> Make the guns available. This should really emancipate women. With firearms in a women's pocket, the idea for men of having some fun with women is likely to be disappear as soon as it appears. A trigger
squeeze wrong here and there ....lads..we will pay the price of lust with our life.

Dear men,so mull a little over these thoughts...there are many more possible scenarios. We are at risk...the battle of sexes may turn violent. And don't expect the women to back out of this ...we might not be able to restrain them.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

A bunch of househusbands

(A long time ahead,in a galaxy far far a tea party at Yaaadit place on a Sunday afternoon four househusbands gather.Yaadit, Ragas, Rekry and Farath)

Yaadit: Hello lads..did u hear the latest news
Ragas: Wats that Yaadit? Don't tell me Sincy is again started mumbling to herself.
Yaadit: Ragas...its not that and she is just started...forget it. I know where u will take this.The point is they are finally "Nar Mukti Morcha" has approved  the case of househusbands
(Everybody jumps up and starts dancing..)
Rekry: Finally..finally salvation for us men. No more exploitation from these women..Give our freedom back..Down with Nari's
Farath(yawns): Lets see till where it goes..these ladies aren't going to give us our freedom back..u can forget about it. We ourselves signed the 50-50 accord  and look where it landed us. The whole society is turned upside down...Our forefathers should have had vision. No one could have foretold that these ladies would sue us all men in one second for damages done to them for the hell am I to pay against my elder generations              crimes. 
(The joyous mood turns gloomy as Farath's introspection hits home...Sunday is much bleaker suddenly. Yaadit..not to be turned down)
Yaadit: More news..Wari's daughter was spotted with Ragas's son
(This news catches Ragas when he was about to sip his tea..and he chortles on his tea with eyes wide apart as if somebody just punched his midriff)
Ragas: Oh those 2 ..that Wari's and Babiya's daughters..those pests..they keep on hooting on guys in the neighbourhood.They have turned the whole mohalla in
      shame. I will not bring this ignimony to my house. What will his mother say?
Rekry: Heard that Wari's daughter carries a gun!
Farath: Rekry..really ! Man where is this equality thing going...U know what that Babiya's daughter calls herself.....
Ragas: No...But It is going to be another wild thing I know?
Farath: She calls herself "Lioness 2"...and heads the "Men Tresspassers will be prosecuted" incarnation of Devil....
Yaadit: Yeah..we didn't even leave the Devil..even he has to be a lady according to the newly modified accord..
Farath: it...But this is just pressure from these organizations..they modified the accord to include female Gods..and every religion had to follow Smart move I say..that took everything upside down. With the religion coming under the preview of the 50-50 accord, the patriarchy toppled to give away to
a forced matrilineal society but with men coming under a special guiding clause.The luminaries of the movement from the women side...Dukus, Harit, Hena, Riatna, Yagu..thought well and long
(At this point Rekry's geek son arrives crying in a soiled shirt..Rekry almost forgot that he had bought him to the party)
Rekry's son: Papa..see no that Kari (wari's daughter) threw mud on me
Rekry: Don't cry baby..we will take ur mom and go to meet Wari. She should have her daughter in control. 
Ragas: (laughs aloud) And Rekry u think that will solve things..Remember last time u and Wari's husband ended up calling bad words to each other which were never heard in the annals of mohalla and of the country...(Winks at the rest of the househusbands to join)
(Everybody joins the fun and starts laughing. Rekry sits down faced as the whole incident appears. Apparently, these kids had made a video of the incident and posted in on MyTube. It was the most viewed video of that year)
Rekry: RAgas..u should take care of ur own ordeal..ur son was spotted with time it will be similar for u..maybe more harmful. 
(Finally..Rekry gets the audience with this retort)
Farath: Rekry has a point...all of our only sons are of the same age and go to same school as these girls. And if they flunk one more year.....
Yaadit: they will be in the same class as our sons...I don't wan them to be together..God save us then!
Ragas: Yaadit..ur son is damn talented! I don't think these girls will be a match for him...
Farath: I am more worried about Ragas son....he seems to like them. I am sure they will take him to their wild parties and night outs!
Rekry: We have trouble controlling their mothers..and now their daughters are a step ahead of them....Let the male god save our sons!
Yaadit: Yah...such bad things. Shucks for things of what we do for these ladies inside the house and inside the bedroom...
Ragas: Rekry..heard your father-in-law is visiting you?
Rekry: Yah..I am having a night mare already. He is a stickler for cleanliness..the whole family is like that. How am I supposed to control a fussy in law, a military mom and geeky son...God save me..
Ragas: Is he still blaming u for your decision of only having a son and not a daughter or for that matter a single child....
Rekry: That never stops...its just going to get worse now with her father pestering the mother for another child . I will not be able to manage another child..
Farath: But, biologically its always the mother who will have the child...the 50-50 accord does not allow genetic mutilation and the nature's process should be followed. Thats punishable crime of the state.
Rekry: yes of course..i don't have to go through that process which was a miserable prototype experiment. Men were never made by nature to carry kids...there was no sense in trying that experiment....the results were shocking...Mishaq..sucha  good photographer..lost his mental balance after that....
Yaadit: So now we have a force equality and a matrilineal society...Wonder what happened to good old love....?
Ragas: thats on its way was such a great fashion to fall in love....write about it..sing about it...
Farath: I remember my first blogs for her..I was so surrounded by ladies all the time..and the 50-50 accord changed everything
(Mist gathers in the eyes of the househusbands..each dwelling on the harsh reality of love...the times long gone)
The bell chimes to 4 and a Diwali bomb explodes in Yaadits lawn. The power of the bomb breaks all the panes of the window and nearly causes the TV to fall..
Yaadit(Rushing outside): Who the hell was that?wari..u..u..come back..i m going to ....
(Kari and her female friends are lost calling names in a gallop)
Yaadit: I am going to register a police complaint...against these pests
Farath: Whats the point...the police will be always soft towards the girls...they just have had their complete freedom in a thousand years..if u file a police case to the lady inspector down there...u r going to be returning empty handed..
Rekry: Ok..everybody time for me to go..I have to prepare a lot for my in laws arrival..don't want to give them any small points to hanker over...
Ragas: K lads ..see u next time with more masala news..But do read the Nar Mukti Morcha bulettin with the details of the cause for househusbands
Farath: And a toast to the host of today Yaadit
Yaadit(still fuming): Ill get those rogues....Wait...u..u...(starts mumbling)
Ragas: So the habit has caught on to you..
Farath: Call it a day Ragas..Bye Yaadit

(Everybody leaves)

End of scene.

(Story motivated by an article in Times of India regarding househusbands. Please bear with me for my idiosyncracies and navity.If I hurt somebody..apologies)